Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Girl Edit

Step #1 - Open the top picture in Photoshop and then increase the canvas size and copy the picture as a new layer to the bottom
Step #2 - Using the wand tool, select the background and then save the selection as BG.
Step #3 - Using the healing brush, cover up the blemishes in a Heal layer and, using the same tool, get rid of the glare off of her forehead, cheeks and her nose.
Step 4 - After flattening the layers, put a Gaussian blur over her face, and erase the blur off of the details you want to stay vivid. Load the BG selection, and then hit the delete key to make her head crisper. Lower the opacity of the blur over her face in to give her flawless skin.
Step #5 - Using the quick mask tool on the eyes, and changing the hue/saturation in a new adjustment layer will change the color of her eyes.
Step #6 - For Eye-Shadow Make-up, make a new adjutsment layer, check colorize, choose a color in hue/saturation, then fill box in layer with black. Then paint the desired areas over the eyes with a whte brush.
Step #7 - For the lips, use a quik mask and select the lips. Save this selection, an then jump to new layer. In the new layer, change the layer mode to screen and do hue/saturation again.

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