Friday, July 30, 2010

Family Portrait Re-Touch Project

Step #1 - Create a duplicate of the picture at the right, and increase the canvas size in order to put the picture on the other side.
Step #2 - Using Photoshop and the Stamp clone tool, remove the tape from the top and the bottom, taking care to preserve the photographer's signature.
Step #3 - Then, under Filter, Noise, use the scratches and dust option. Under this, put the 1st setting on the lowest so that you can't see the dust, and then the threshold at a level that will make the picture clearer, but not pixelated.
Step #4 - Take a snapshot of the original without the tape, and then another with the dust and scratches option done. Name this snap shot blur, and setting it as the source, use the history brush to select the dust and scratches and get rid of them using the blurred image.
Step #5 - Take the nose from one of the other men, and copy it onto the seated man's face (make sure to put it in a Heal layer). Using the transforming box, shape the nose and size it, then go into the heal layer and erase the excess skin (set the opacity down to check the positioning).

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